Self-supervised Learning for Point Clouds

Background 3Shape developes hardware and software for intraoral scanners. This project will revolve around the 3D mesh data of intraoral scans (scan of people’s teeth). You will have the opportunity to work part-time from their offices in Kongens Nytorv. Deep self-supervised learning has been established as a great foundational model for a plethora of downstream tasks. Especially SimCLR has been shown to perform very well on downstream tasks. However, these empirical results have not been replicated in the 3D domain....

May 31, 2024 · Johan Ye

Style Transfer for Point Clouds

Background 3Shape developes hardware and software for intraoral scanners. This project will revolve around the 3D mesh data of intraoral scans (scan of people’s teeth). You will have the opportunity to work part-time from their offices in Kongens Nytorv. Style transfer involves merging the style of one image with the content of another. This process typically involves optimizing an objective function that minimizes the content loss and style loss. The result is an image that retains the original content while adopting the visual characteristics of the chosen style....

May 31, 2024 · Johan Ye

Detecting consciousness in clinically unresponsive patients with brain injury

Background Each year, traumatic brain injury results in 1.5 million hospital admissions in the EU. Of all comatose patients with traumatic brain injury, 40% die in the ICU and 20% enter a prolonged disorder of consciousness, seemingly unaware of themselves and their environment. Recent studies indicate that 15-20% of these behaviorally unresponsive patients have residual (covert) consciousness. Detecting consciousness in those people is challenging, but of utmost importance since the presumed presence or absence of consciousness affects medical decisions about treatment, including prognosis and end-of-life decisions....

December 7, 2023 · Tobias Andersen